Nordhavn 55 Trawler ‘Last Mango’ Delivery from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to San Diego, CA Captain Jerry Taylor

From Marina Queen to Ocean Going Lady

February, 2010

IMG_1325As the plane circled for landing in Puerto Vallarta, I remarked to Wendy that the town and surroundings looked like it had been on a steroidal growth boom since the last time we were here. After clearing Customs, Wendy, Alan and I taxied to the marina to find the N55 tied up with badly chafed lines, complete with crushed and exploded fenders dangling. The surge was so bad at the dock, that just loading our bags and delivery gear on board was a death defying act. The boat was literally rolling around so violently that we wanted to get to sea as soon as possible, just to regain our equilibrium.
Before turning in that evening, we doubled the mooring lines with what we found on IMG_1273IMG_1287board. At 0300 hrs. a most unusual and un forecast weather system blasted Nuevo Vallarta Marina, and Banderas Bay with 75 knot winds and torrential rain. Oddly enough the tattered dock lines held!
We spent the next three days in pre departure checks and gathering spares and provisioning for the trip North.
Here are some of the tasks that were accomplished before starting the 1046 NM run to San Diego:
IMG_1288IMG_1289**Changed raw water impellers on generator, get-home
engine, and main engine
**Replaced generator belt
**Replaced generator final fuel filter
**Changed all 4 primary Racor elements
**Pumped 1 Gal excess oil from transmission
**Rebuilt 24volt bilge pump
**Rebuilt inoperative gray and black water pumps
**Pumped up steering reservoir to the specified 30psi
IMG_1296IMG_1303A sticky issue arose when we discovered that none of the boats papers, including the Mexican cruising permit were on board, and in spite of considerable pressure from the selling broker, we refused to leave until the correct paperwork was provided.
After checking with Weather Bob at Ocean Marine Nav, and topping the fuel tanks, we departed at 1300 on Friday Feb 05. We ran 24/7 to arrive in San Diego and clear Customs IMG_1310IMG_1311early on the morning of Thursday Feb 11. The N55 proved an excellent sea boat, very steady and always giving us a sense of confidence, even in the moderate to rough conditions that are typical on this trip.

Delivery Summary
Total Distance: 1046 NM
Total Running Hours: 141
Average Speed: 7.4 knots @ 1800 RPM
Last Mango Nordhavn 55 2010Average Fuel Burn: 7.8 GPH
Total Fuel Burned: 1100 Gal 

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